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Fairy Tales Repository

Collected Item: “"The Sleeping Beauty." The Allies’ Fairy Book, Intro. by Edmund Gosse London: William Heinemann, 1916, pp. 52-65.”

Full bibliographic citation (MLA)

Rackham, Arthur. “The Allies Fairy Book : Introduction by Edmund Grosse : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming.” Internet Archive, J. B. Lippencott Co, 1 Jan. 1970,

Title of the complete book/anthology (not a single chapter/fairy tale)

The Allies Fairy Book

The name of the author or editor of the complete book/anthology (leave blank if none are listed)

Edmund Gosse C.B.

Illustrator(s) of the book/anthology (leave blank if none are listed)

Arthur Rackham

City where the book/anthology was published

London and Philadelphia

The country where the book/anthology was published (use United States for US publications)

United Kingdom and United States

The publisher of the book/anthology (as written on the title page)

William Heinemann and J.B. Lippincott Co.,

Date of publication (or date range from the library catalog, if no dates are listed in the book)


The decade the book was published (use the drop down menu)


The fairy tale type (use the drop down menu)

Sleeping Beauty

The author of the fairy tale/chapter (leave blank if none is listed). If there is only an author for the whole book/anthology listed, use that author again for this entry

Arthur Rackham

What is special about this version of the tale?

This version is very well illustrated. The illustrations are elaborate and detailed for the adult eye. The story itself is much more detailed as well, making it a more interesting read than some of the children-friendly version.

A brief summary of the plot that highlights any unique variations

The plot of the story is the same as the main versions of Sleeping Beauty. The frame and narrative of the tale is the same story about a princess who is cursed to prick her finger at 15 and fall asleep for 100 years, only to be saved be a prince worthy of her. This book also has pictures inserted that have no writing or typing on either side, showing that it was made and then later inserted.

The original source of the fairy tale, if easily identifiable (Straparola, Basile, de Beaumont, Perrault, Grimm, etc.)


A link to a digital copy of the book

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