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Fairy Tales Repository

Collected Item: “Perrault, Charles. “Hop-o’-my-Thumb.” Old French Fairy Tales, Boston: Little, Brown, and Company, 1899, pp. 342-358.”

Full bibliographic citation (MLA)

Perrault, Charles, “Hop-o’-my-Thumb.” Old French Fairy Tales, Boston: Little, Brown, and Company, 1899, pp. 342-358.

Title of the complete book/anthology (not a single chapter/fairy tale)

Old French Fairy Tales

The name of the author or editor of the complete book/anthology (leave blank if none are listed)

Charles Perrault and Madame D’Aulnoy

City where the book/anthology was published


The country where the book/anthology was published (use United States for US publications)


The publisher of the book/anthology (as written on the title page)

Little, Brown, and Company

Date of publication (or date range from the library catalog, if no dates are listed in the book)


The decade the book was published (use the drop down menu)


The fairy tale type (use the drop down menu)

Ogres and Giants

The author of the fairy tale/chapter (leave blank if none is listed). If there is only an author for the whole book/anthology listed, use that author again for this entry

Charles Perrault

What is special about this version of the tale?

A heavily-illustrated edition of Hop-O’-My-Thumb appears to be directed towards younger children. In this version, Hop-O’-My-Thumb uses his whit’s to trick a hungry and angry Ogre into killing his seven Ogresses. Hop-O’-My-Thumb steals magical seven league boots from the Ogre and uses them to bring riches to his poor family.

A brief summary of the plot that highlights any unique variations

Seven siblings are born no more than three years apart, in which the youngest boy named Hop-O’-My-Thumb is deemed a weakly little fellow, but in fact is actually the smartest in the group. His woodcutting parents are too poor to keep all of the children, so they leave them lost in the woods. Hop-O’-My-Thumb leads the children out of the cold, dark woods to a child eating Ogres house. The Ogre’s wife tries to hide the children inside, but the Ogre finds them and allows them to sleep one night before being eaten. Afraid of being slaughtered by the Ogre during the night, Hop-O’-My-Thumb switches the caps of the seven siblings with the crowns of the seven Ogresses. The Ogre mistakenly cuts the throats of the Ogresses and goes on a hunt in magical seven league boots to kill the children. Hop-O’-My-Thumb steals the boots off of the Ogre when he is sleeping in the woods and tricks the Ogre’s wife that the Ogre had been taken hostage and he needed all of her riches to save the Ogre. Hop-O’-My-Thumb brought home the wealth and lived happily ever after with a nobleman’s daughter.

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