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Fairy Tales Repository

Collected Item: ““Beauty and the Beast.” The Blue Fairy Book, edited by Andrew Lang, London and New York: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1889, pp. 100-119.”

Full bibliographic citation (MLA)

“Beauty and the Beast.” The Blue Fairy Book, edited by Andrew Lang, London: Longman, Green, and Co., 1889, pp. 100-119.

Title of the complete book/anthology (not a single chapter/fairy tale)

The Blue Fairy Book

The name of the author or editor of the complete book/anthology (leave blank if none are listed)

Andrew Lang

Illustrator(s) of the book/anthology (leave blank if none are listed)

H.J Ford and G.P Jacomb Hood

City where the book/anthology was published

London and New York

The country where the book/anthology was published (use United States for US publications)

England and United States

The publisher of the book/anthology (as written on the title page)

Longsmans, Green, and Co.

Date of publication (or date range from the library catalog, if no dates are listed in the book)


The decade the book was published (use the drop down menu)


The fairy tale type (use the drop down menu)

Beauty and the Beast

The author of the fairy tale/chapter (leave blank if none is listed). If there is only an author for the whole book/anthology listed, use that author again for this entry

Andrew Lang

What is special about this version of the tale?

Edited specifically for children, includes several illustrations

A brief summary of the plot that highlights any unique variations

Merchant Father of 12, youngest girl Beauty, falls into ruin. Father hears one vessel has returned and goes out to get spoils for his family, Beauty only requests a rose. Father finds vessel ransacked and returns back home in snow. Along the way he finds a splendid castle that treats him well, the only spoil he grabs is the rose. The Beast is enraged at this and the Father explains his predicament. The father promises that if he can't have a daughter sent that he will stay with the Beast. Beauty agrees to come to the castle with her Father. Father leaves with riches beyond measure. Beauty falls in love with the magical castle and the Beast is kind to her from the start. Each night Beauty dreams of the prince shown by a fairy and each night the Beast asks her to marry him. Beauty becomes homesick, Beast allows her to go if she promises to come back. Beauty finds that the family has become wealthy again and that she really doesn't have a place there. After a vision of the Beast dying, Beauty uses the ring that he gave her to return to him. Beast becomes healthy and asks if she would marry, Beauty says yes. Beast becomes the prince and the queen appears. They invite Beauty's Family to the wedding and they live happily ever after.

The original source of the fairy tale, if easily identifiable (Straparola, Basile, de Beaumont, Perrault, Grimm, etc.)

Gabrielle-Suzanne Barbot de Villeneuve

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