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Fairy Tales Repository

Collected Item: ““Cinderella, or the Little Glass Slipper.” The Blue Fairy Book, edited by Andrew Lang, London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1889, pp. 64-71.”

Full bibliographic citation (MLA)

“Cinderella, or the Little Glass Slipper.” The Blue Fairy Book, edited by Andrew Lang, London: Longman, Green, and Co., 1889, pp. 64-71.

Title of the complete book/anthology (not a single chapter/fairy tale)

The Blue Fairy Book

The name of the author or editor of the complete book/anthology (leave blank if none are listed)

Andrew Lang

Illustrator(s) of the book/anthology (leave blank if none are listed)

H.J Ford and G.P Jacomb Hood

City where the book/anthology was published


The publisher of the book/anthology (as written on the title page)

Longman, Green, and Co.

Date of publication (or date range from the library catalog, if no dates are listed in the book)


The decade the book was published (use the drop down menu)


The fairy tale type (use the drop down menu)


The author of the fairy tale/chapter (leave blank if none is listed). If there is only an author for the whole book/anthology listed, use that author again for this entry

Charles Parrault

What is special about this version of the tale?

The illustrations are in black and white, which made it very realistic and transparent without many words. The illustrator for this version, shows instances of the different stages of Cinderella’s story: being oppressed by her step stepsisters and step mother, meeting her godmother and escaping the ball. Cinderella embraced her stepsisters after they asked to be forgiven and were made noble by marrying lords

A brief summary of the plot that highlights any unique variations

Cinderella endures oppression form her stepmother and stepsisters her father welcomed and became their servant. Her Godmother helps her out of her mystery by telling her to gather some lizards and mice for a carriage and dressed her in the finest clothes. Before getting caught Cinderella left behind her slipper. She was only girl who fit into the slipper and married the prince.

The original source of the fairy tale, if easily identifiable (Straparola, Basile, de Beaumont, Perrault, Grimm, etc.)

Charles Perrault

A link to a digital copy of the book

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